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About Us

i2 Community Outreach


We believe that access to nutritious food and essential resources is a fundamental human right.


Our Mission
To provide the basic necessities, that will influence and impact a person’s Physical, Mental and Spiritual well-being.

We are committed to helping individuals and families overcome challenges and achieve success.

We are committed to equitable and inclusive treatment through love, compassion, and generosity.

We are committed to utilizing the donated resources and volunteer time to further the mission of our Outreach.

We believe God calls us to serve because He wants us to be a part of His work
in the world. He knows that we have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others, and
He wants us to use our talents and gifts to help others. When we serve, we are following in His
footsteps and showing His love to those around us.


This is their reasonable service according to
Romans 12:1, this is Influence and Impact.


i2 Community Outreach is all-volunteer organization.

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